Youth Groups

Our youth are always important us here at Myrtle Beach Christian Church. The Youth group is tailored into age groups and have adults youth leaders for each of the 3 age groups. Along with learning the Bible, our youth group focuses on service and fund raising to support fellowship opportunities.

First Waveis for youth ages 11-17. Our recent service activities included helping maintain our prayer garden, working to provide hot meals for Hurricane Florence victims and visiting neighborhoods encouraging others to come to church, too. Our fellowship opportunities include a trip to Carowinds, local trips for bowling and skating, movie nights and lock-ins at the church. 

Splash is for youth ages 4-10. This group participates in events like Sloppy Saturday Morning that includes fun, Sunday afternoon field trips and activities to help model to our children that spending time in the good company of those seeking Christ is uplifting.

Droplets is for children 3 years old and younger. Nursery is provided at all of our services with caring individuals ready to interact with the little ones.

For all of our youth, we have classes on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening for each group. We also provide breakfast for our youth on Sunday morning and Wednesday night prior to our church service.  

Our youth leaders represent a mix of adult ages, careers and wisdom rooted in Christ and with a heart for our youth. Our Sunday school and Wednesday night teachers include former military, a retired principal, teachers, carpenters and nurses.

We also sponsor one of the largest bus ministry’s in the county to bring the youth to church. Our routes include areas from Myrtle Beach, Socastee, Forestbrook and St. James. We establish goals and incentives for our youth to participate, attend regularly and bring others to join us in worship. Our youth help lead and direct our worship on the fourth Sunday of every month. Ministers and youth leaders are only a phone call away.

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