Church History


The Myrtle Beach Christian Church was born on January 2, 1982 and began meeting in the home of J.W. and Jan Mullins. Minister Joel Wilson and his family commuted for 1 1/2 years from Johnson City, Tennessee before moving to be the full time minister. Joel was the Senior Minister until his passing on January 22, 2016.


In February 1983, the church began meeting at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center and from there moved to Woodmen of the World building in North Myrtle Beach. During this year, Daniel Banks came to minister with Joel and served as Youth Minister until 2001, at which time he became the Associate Minister. Joel’s youngest son then became Youth Minister.

As the church grew, the current property was purchased in faith for $32,500 and that debt was retired in less than six months. On January 2nd, 1985 ground was broken for the new sanctuary. The congregation held its first servicer in the new church build on the last Sunday of August of the same year. The Church Charter was drawn up with 20 charter members.


In November 1989, the Annie Dukes Youth hall was dedicated to the Glory of God in Honor of Mrs. Annie Dukes, a charter member.


In early 1992, the covered entry way to the church was built along with the vestibule at the church entrance.

Myrtle Beach Christian Church has grown tremendously through the years both spiritually and numerically giving praise to Jesus Christ who is Head of the Church. We have planted 5 New Testament Churches in Horry County over the years and also established the Promise Land Ministries on a campus in Aynor, SC. The Promise Land Ministries has served over 11,000 souls since its inception.


Late in the 2016 year, Daniel Banks became Senior Minister at the Myrtle Beach Christian Church and continues to serve in that capacity. Jeff Holden was been appointed Associate Minister along with Lee Brown.


With the introduction of cell Bible Study groups and a growing Latino population the church’s Latino Ministry has grown tremendously. Approximately 20% of our current congregation is Latino and this ministry is led by Sammy Munoz, a retired U.S. Army Veteran. Through the vision of Minister Danny Banks and the Munoz family our church is planting a new Church in Ponce, Puerto Rico. After several mission trips to Ponce, a property is being purchased to build that Christian Church in Puerto Rico. With the help of many Christian Churches and individual donations we have raised much of the purchase price for the land. Sammy and his family are moving back to Ponce in March or April of 2019 to build that church and its ministry.

Thousands are loved- fed-helped-baptized still to this day. To God be the Glory!

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