Why Choose Myrtle Beach Christian Church?

At MBCC we teach what the Bible actually says, the true Gospel of Jesus Christ in all its power and love, not what man believes or claims that the Bible says. We show you the way to Salvation and Eternal Life through a relationship with Jesus Christ exactly as the Bible promises. One of our missions is to help make sense out of this life by living according to the word of God and help prepare you to deal with life’s struggles by learning to trust and rely on God. You don’t have to go it alone in this world! Jesus stands ready to help you whenever you ask. The worship service at MBCC is blended, with emphasis on Biblical Preaching. We enjoy a combination of traditional and contemporary styles to provide something that helps everyone worship God. Worship is a time to escape the hustle and bustle and unwind in the arms of God.

We like to focus on the basics at MBCC, like warm, such as genuine relationships with other Christians who hold the same beliefs. Founded on God’s word we believe in good old fashioned family values; having fun together; sharing meals together; watching out for each other; taking care of each other; socializing often and in many enjoyable ways. We live our lives as Jesus would want us to live them. MBCC is a loving family of God’s believers. For many who have come to know the Lord at MBCC, they have found a nurturing place to grow.

We hope you will find MBCC as the place to call “HOME”.

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